3.3m Defender Fall fall Arrest Block - Webbing
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3.3m Defender Fall fall Arrest Block - Webbing

Reference: RGA3.3-WEB-DEF
£163.18 inc VAT
£273.89 inc VAT

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Certified to:BS EN 360
Lifespan:10 Years
Material:Polymer & Steel
Max User Weight:140kg

This 3.3m Defender fall arrest block has a webbing line which means it is exceptionally lightweight. It also comes with a aluminium swivel hook which has a fall indicator which allows user's to know when the item has been part of a fall. The Defender range as a whole offers a lighter more compact alternative to traditional fall arrest blocks, without losing any of their benefits. They have a sleeker design and top swivel to help with connection. This item must be used with a safety harness.

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