when to use eye protection

Using the appropriate eye protection at work is crucial for protecting your vision and preventing injuries. You should use eye protection whenever there is a risk of flying particles, dust, chemicals, hot substances and other hazardous materials coming into contact with your eyes. Let’s break these situations down further…


Key situations that require eye protection

  • Flying particles: Always use eye protection when working with tools that generate debris such as grinding, sawing, hammering or sanding. Flying debris like this can cause abrasions, scratches and severe damage to your eyes.

  • Heat exposure: Always use eye protection when welding, using a furnace or doing any other activity that involves radiant heat, molten metal or hot liquids. Remember intense light and sparks can also damage your eyes!

  • Chemical exposure: Always use eye protection when handling chemicals or acids – even chemical fumes can irritate and damage your eyes!

  • Impact hazards: Always use eye protection when doing any activity where objects could hit your eyes e.g. working with compressed air.

  • Airborne particles: Always wear eye protection when working in environments with high levels of dust or airborne particles.


How to choose the right eye protection

The type of eye protection you need depends on which hazard you are facing.

Safety Glasses: These are ideal for general protection from flying particles, dust or debris.

Googles: These are best for protecting your eyes against liquid splashes or chemicals.

Face Shields: These work as protection from large debris or when working with extreme heat or radiant energy.


Important points to remember

Always inspect your eye protection before use

Even small cracks or scratches in your eye protection can compromise it’s effectiveness and leave your eyes exposed to danger. Make sure you thoroughly inspect your eyewear for damage and replace any damaged eyewear immediately.


Follow company policy

Every workplace has its own safety guidelines and protocols for eye protection. It is essential that you adhere to these policies, use the protection that is designated to your job and follow all relevant safety procedures to minimise the risk of injury.


Make sure your eye protection fits correctly

Eye protection should be comfortable and properly fitted to be effective. Ill-fitting eyewear can leave gaps where hazards can enter and will not offer complete protection.


Your eyes are invaluable, so take the proper precautions to protect them and work safely in your environment.

At Safety Harness Direct, we stock a range of clear and tinted eye protection, browse our collection by clicking the button below.

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If you have any questions regarding our eye protection range, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help.